Friday 19th
Afternoon arrival everyone helps with setting up tents
19:00 Burgers - Magga is in charge. Helpers: Hans Þór; Diljá. Anita, Peter
24:00 Quiet time Cleanup Lilja, Dominik, Soffía, Gunnar.
Saturday 20th
13:00 Elliðavallaleikarnir - Svava
Helpers: - setting upp Pétur, Gabríel, Diljá og Lilja and collecting at the end Hrafnhildur and Baltasar.
Group photo -Gunnar Halldór
15:00+ Afternoon caffee: prep and cleanup
Kristín Hrönn, Magga, Amy and Lilja
Master of coffee Jón and dishwashing
19:00 BBQ - Gerður helpers, Jón Ben, Andy, Hulda Sóley and María
BBQ cleanup Gerður, Ingvar, Luke og Skapti
20:30 approx Singalong and prize ceremony
Teams performe their act.
24:00 Quiet time
Cleanup Óðinn, Ína, Svava Tanja and Andrés
- people have their own breakfast
- people help with cleaning up, taking down tents, clearing trash, putting things in kerra
Clean up Pétur, Atli, Les, and Gunnar Halldór
I First round - einstaklingsþrautir
Hér er tengill á skráningu fyrir fyrstu umferð:
This is the link scores from the first round
II Second round - group challenges -hópakeppni
1. Boltahlaup. - Ball run
Tvö lið keppaa á sama tíma. Tveir vinna saman, allir keppa. Lítill bolti, settur enni í enni, má halda í axlirnar, hlaupa saman að dollunni og koma boltunum öllum þremur í dolluna, ef boltinn dettur á jörðina þarf að byrja aftur. Sami má keppa aftur ef það vantar félaga.
Two teams compete at the same time, everyone participates. A small ball is put to the forehead, you may hold each other shoulders and run together to get the ball into a bucket. If the ball falls you start again. The same can do again if you are fewer than six.
2. Vatnsflutningur
Liðsfélagar koma sér fyrir sitjandi í beinni línu. Hver liðsfélagi fær eitt plastglas. Sá sem situr fremstur situr fyrir framan aðra fötuna sem er full af vatni. Sá fyllir plastglasið sitt og hellir úr því aftur á bak (sér ekki hvert hann er að hella) til næsta liðsfélaga sá skal reyna að grípa vatnið með sínum bolla og hellir því svo aftur fyrir sig svo koll af kolli. Sá sem er síðastur í röðinni reynir að hella vatninu úr sínum bolla í fötuna sem staðsett er fyrir aftan hann.
Liðið hefur 90 sekúndur til þess að reyna að koma eins miklu vatni fyrir í fötunni fyrir aftan aftasta mann. Eftir 90 sekúndur er vatnið mælt í öftustu fötu.
Team members sit in a straight row. Each member gets on plastic glass. The one in the front sits in front of a bucket full of water. He fills his glass and pours it behind his back (does not see where he is pouring) to his team member who tries to catch the water and then pours it behind himself to the next and so forth, the las one tries to pour into a bucket behind him.
The team has 90 seconds to get as much water from the first bucket to the last. In 90 minutes the water in the back bucket is measured.
3. Nagli í flösku- the nail in the bottle
III Third round - creative round
If you want to share your photos either share them to our Family group or ask Svava to add you to this album
Photos from previous family meets:
2006 In Stebbis parents summer house on his birthday
2010 With our cousins daughters of Stefán brother of Hulda
2012 in Laugarvatn when the photo here below was taken.
2017 in Öndverðarnes - Bjarmaland
2020 In öndverðarnes The facebook Event with lots of photos and videos from the games My photos